The Oliver's Madhouse

When Life Isn't Complicated Enough

More Pictures Needed!

on 04/12/2012

I recently read someones blog post about the fact lots of Mummies have very limited pictures of them with their child/ren as they seem to be the ones taking the pictures.

Having digested this I think that’s certainly the case in this crazy madhouse! So I will be making a pledge to take more pictures of me and my children.

So here’s a few to get me going, me minus the makeup and nicely coiffed hair …

So come on Mummies (& Daddies) lets see the real you and lots more pictures regardless of the state you feel or the baby milk dripping down your wrinkled top!

10 responses to “More Pictures Needed!

  1. Mrs Fox says:

    Very true, I have loads of pictures of the children and loads of my husband with the children, but, where am I?

  2. MsXpat says:

    Aww love his lil smile. The thing is its usually mums behind the camera capturing the moments. I do try to get in there when I can. Look forward to see more of yours.

  3. Ella says:

    Gorgeous xxx

  4. I agree I’m in hardly any with the boys. Must try harder x

  5. Thisdayilove says:

    It is true there are hardly any of me and the girls. Will have to take more of us

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